Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sugar High?

Ok so a little birdie told me that a sugar high or sugar rush was just a myth. Of course if that's the case I would just be a phony so I just HAD to prove that one wrong!!

What's the science?

Sugar High= The intense physiological effect of consuming too much sugar or glucose, usually in the form of cakes, cookies and soda; eating excessive amounts of sugar makes the brain release dopamine and endorphins, often inducing a mild sense of euphoria and happiness. This is often accompanied by a strong surge of energy as the sugar hits the bloodstream.

What to expect:

The high one gets after consuming large amounts of sugar. Also called a "sugar rush." Sugar highs cause twitchiness, spasms, and hyper excitability. Sugar highs do not last very long, and leave a person feeling drained afterwards.

HA!!! I was right stupid birdie! Now give me a sec I'm gonna go hunt down another little birdie. I just shot down this one.....metaphorically speaking. Don't want anyone to go calling the cops on me because of a joke. lol

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