Monday, July 16, 2012

Olive Oil=Vegetable Oil?


Ok so I was going to make some brownies today and I noticed that the box said I needed Vegetable oil.

Well crap, I only had Olive oil.

When I told a little birdie to pick some up the birdie said to just use the olive oil. I cant do that it's not the same thing.

Or is it?

This little birdie was convinced it was the same thing. So I decided to do a little research.

Olive Oil compared to Vegetable Oil

Olive oil: Olive oil is made by the mechanical pressing of olives, or Olea europaea, as they are scientifically named. This crude form of natural oil has its own unique and natural flavor and is used for both cooking and eaten raw. Olive oil is packed full of antioxidants and mono-unsaturated fats and is generally thought of to be one of the most heart-healthy choices. Olive oil is a good choice of oil when you will be cooking at a low to medium temperature because of its low smoke point of 375 degrees.

Vegetable Oil: Vegetable oils often appear to be thinner and lighter than most olive oils. Vegetable oils are also prone to rancidity and need to be stored out of the light in a tightly closed container.

So are they different? Yes, but not significantly so.

If you're having any confusion with this as I have over the years with cooking just use this method.

When in doubt, do whatever the box tells you to do. lol

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